Tag Along and Suckle [RANK 5]

Research output: Non-textual formOther


<b>Von Venhuizen </b>. Haan Museum of Indiana Ceramic Art, Lafayette, Indiana, USA. I had 2 pieces placed into the permanent collection after being shown in the Karl Martz Indiana University Legacy Exhibition. The museum chose 2 artists out of the exhibition of 25 people, and collected their pieces for the permanent Ceramic Collection at the Museum. Two (2) pieces were collected: “Tag Along” and “Suckle”<br><a href="https://haanmuseum.org/indiana-ceramics/">https://haanmuseum.org/indiana-ceramics/</a><br><a href="https://haanmuseum.org/karl-martz/">https://haanmuseum.org/karl-martz/</a>
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - May 4 2019


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