“Syncretistic Vernacular Architecture, Santa Fe, New Mexico”

Ben Shacklette

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The subject of this paper is the Westside/Guadalupe Historic District, established in 1983. The Westside originates from seventeenth century pre-industrial building methods and land use patterns associated with agricultural based societies that in many instances were extended family settlements. A predominant characteristic is growth by accretion and modification that often produces an eccentric ad hoc result that can be described as vernacular or folkloric. This has been popularly called Santa Fe Vernacular Style. This paper demonstrates a localized community process of building and place making resulting from the syncretism of various regional and national influences spanning three distinctive eras of development: Spanish Colonial/Mexican Independence (1600-1846), U. S. Territorial (1846-1912), and Statehood (1912-present). Representative examples of Westside buildings are evaluated showing predominant patterns of settlement, spatial configurations, material usage, and architectura
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - Mar 2011


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