"Shall We Gather?" Recitals in East Germany (5)

John Hollins (Other)

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


Presented recitals in Tangermünde (Salzkirche) and Quedlinburg (Blasiikirche), Germany, July 23-30th. The recitals featured settings of poetry by F.G. Klopstock (1724-1803, born in Quedlinburg, now home of the Klopstock Gleimhaus) and arrangements of American spirituals and folk songs by Burleigh, Hogan, and Copland. The Tangermünde recital was sponsored by invitation of the Sommerschule Wust fur Sprachunterricht, Literatur, Theater, Musik und Kunst, and the Quedlinburg recital was sponsored by the city of Quedlinburg (Welterbestadt Quedlinburg).
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - Jul 18 2017


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