Modified Lewis Correlation for Desiccant Dehumidification Process

M. H. Gurses, A. Ertas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Using effective tower design utilized in the dehumidification of air has potential applications in many fields,e.g., air-conditioning, crop-drying, meat, and fish drying, to reduce energy consumption. One of the most important parameters for packed tower design is the correct calculation of the Lewis Correlation. In this study, the Lewis Correlation method is summarized, and the agreements and disagreements are discussed. The Lewis Correlation method is modified for packed tower applications. This modification is based on the assumption that the water layer is thick and therefore the change in the interfacial temperature with tube length varies. The resulting equations are applied to water and liquid desiccants.

Original languageEnglish
JournalTransdisciplinary Journal of Engineering and Science
StatePublished - Jan 3 2022


  • Lewis correlation
  • Packed tower
  • liquid desiccant
  • vapor pressure equilibrium


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