Hydrogen generation by solar water splitting using p-InGaN photoelectrochemical cells

K. Aryal, B. N. Pantha, J. Li, J. Y. Lin, H. X. Jiang

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126 Scopus citations


Photoelectrochemical effects in p- Inx Ga1-xN (0x0.22) alloys have been investigated. Hydrogen generation was observed in p-InGaN semiconducting electrodes under white light illumination with additional bias. It was found that p-InGaN alloys possess much higher conversion efficiencies than p-GaN. Time dependent photocurrent density characteristics showed that the stability of p-InGaN in aqueous HBr is excellent. The photocurrent density was found to increase almost linearly with hole mobility and excitation light intensity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number052110
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2010


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