Field investigation of high-volume fly ash pavement concrete

Roz Ud Din Nassar, Parviz Soroushian, Tewodros Ghebrab

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

44 Scopus citations


Field investigation of high-volume fly ash (HVFA) concrete in pavement construction was carried out. Test results performed on cores drilled from pavement after 270 days of concrete age showed that use of HVFA results in production of pavement concrete with improvements in: strength; moisture barrier qualities; and abrasive resistance characteristics. These improvements are brought about by the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash with the hydrates of cement that favorably changes the microstructure and interfacial transition zone in the resulting concrete. Use of high volume of fly ash in pavement concrete as partial replacement for cement is estimated to produce major energy and environmental gains and is a practice that is aimed at producing durable and sustainable concrete-based infrastructure. The use of HVFA concrete can significantly economize the construction of concrete pavements and improve the service life of transportation infrastructure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)78-85
Number of pages8
JournalResources, Conservation and Recycling
StatePublished - 2013


  • Durability
  • High-volume fly ash concrete
  • Pavement
  • Pozzolan


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