Distress Among Parents of Individuals with Substance Use Disorders: Factors That Shape the Context of Care

Beth S. Russell, Carissa D’Aniello, Rachel R. Tambling, Abagail L. Horton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Impacts from substance use within families demonstrate there is a reciprocal relationship between substance use and family dysfunction/conflict and low family support. Caregivers supporting loved ones engaged in substance use experience wellbeing consequences. Few studies address both the individual tangible strains of the care provided and the role of relationship quality factors between loved ones in recovery including communication, trust, and family stability. Participants (N = 160, mean age 48.14 years; 48% female, 52% male) in the current study were 72% white and 11% Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (3%) and were recruited through substance use treatment agencies and recovery support forums for family members; 90% of participants reported being a parent or in a primary family caregiver role (step-parent, grandparent/extended family member who had raised the child; 10%) of an adult child who had sought treatment for substance use disorders. Results indicate these caregivers experience exacerbated psychological distress with mental health symptom ratings above the most severe clinical thresholds anxiety, depression, stress, and caregiver burden. Concerning ratings on family relationship quality factors were also evident. Linear regression using forward-entry methods significantly predicted over 40% (R2 =.419) of variance in caregiving burden F(5, 161) = 23.24, p =.000 and indicated that increases in anxiety, financial anxiety, and stress are the most significant predictors of caregiving burden. This study suggests that stress reduction interventions for family caregivers may be critical, particularly given of their central roles in their loved ones’ treatment as facilitators of treatment activation, engagement, long-term recovery supports.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)478-493
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2024


  • Caregiver burden
  • Family caregivers
  • Substance use


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