Daily hassles and suicide ideation in African-American female suicide attempters: Moderating effect of spiritual well-being

Jameson K. Hirsch, Jon R. Webb, Nadine J. Kaslow

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Suicide risk is increased for previous suicide attempters, who may be vulnerable to exacerbating factors such as daily hassles; yet, individual-level, adaptive characteristics may ameliorate risk. We examined the influence of daily hassles on suicidal ideation and the moderating role of spiritual well-being and its subscales of religious and existential well-being. In our cross-sectional study, 148 African-American female suicide attempters were recruited from a large, urban hospital and completed the Survey of Recent Life Events, Spiritual Well-Being Scale, and Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. Religious and existential well-being moderated the association between hassles and suicidal thoughts; this relationship was weaker for individuals with greater levels of spiritual well-being. Historically, spiritual beliefs have been important to the African-American community and their promotion may effectively prevent additional thoughts of suicide by attempters experiencing hassles of daily life.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)529-541
Number of pages13
JournalMental Health, Religion and Culture
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2014


  • African-American
  • daily hassles
  • religiousness
  • spirituality
  • suicide ideation


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